I was shocked to read this afternoon, that William Shatner, aka Captain Kirk, aka Bill to his friends is not being cast in JJ Abrams new Star Trek film slated for release next Christmas.
Well, a Merry Christmas to you JJ!
Kirk, Spock, Bones and Scotty are the pillars of the Trek work and perhaps you are saying, "Get over it, it's a show". It is just a show but that isn't the point. The point revolves around one little word; loyalty.
Star Trek fans, as diverse as they be have one enduring quality: Loyalty. They are loyal to a creation of Gene Roddenberry's, loyal to the show, it's spin offs and its subsequent merchandising.
Loyalty. Ol' William got the boot and Nimoy got the nod. Loyalty is getting hard to find each passing day.
At one time, a man could name the entire roster of his favorite hockey team, or "insert sport team here" year after year, because the players were loyal to the city, to the fans and to their respective clubs. Now, they run after like cheap Friday night dates after whoever flashes the most cash.
Of course there are exceptions to this, but most are then treated like has-beens, washed out and quickly disposed of in the after market trades. Loyalty it seems doesn't exist.
I wonder of we see this in organized religion? People moving from one flavor of church to the next. Never forging relationships with the leadership or the believers. Each out for his/her own quick fix of Sunday salvation.
Star Trek fans have been loyal for over 40 years to a vision created by a man that details a better life of life here on earth and beyond. It spawned hope to a generation of people that were losing hope. Kind of what Jesus wanted to inspire amongst the Israelites 2000 years ago. Hope that tomorrow will be better.
Not seeing Shatner in the new movie will, for me be a let down. Good characters, like good friends are missed.
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