Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Saskatoon memories aka, Was I even sober in the 80's?

Have you ever been lost in time?

I mean more than simple nostalgia, but to be locked in a refreshing, replaying history? That is my life now, confounded by dreams focused on a specific time (7:30 am to be exact).

Time stuck in the 80's, outside, inside Tramps Arcade in a prairie town. Punk rockers and natives, arguing, warring. made no sense really, but that is what we were.

Doing drugs, drinking 5 Star and Yukon Jack. Sometimes a bottle of Jack. I was in love and I was on top of the world. James Cagney all over again with the smoking machine gun, going down in a flame. Going down with the setting sun.

My friends, now long gone, except for Mike. My friends who saw me live and then see me die.

No regrets and there is no remorse, but sometimes, just sometimes....

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