Friday, December 18, 2009

Happiness is found in a cold Danish

Creeping along the vines and twines. Eating a cold cinnamon bun and realizing how high I have become. How the dark clouds have left and there is only sun.

Snow is melting rapidly, my pre-Christmas present I think. Answered prayer. Touching into the past, so cathartic, soothing balm for my battered self.

Loving, living and remembering. I am being moved into a wind that is strong and where it sends me, I no longer care as it spells freedom. Freedom. Is there any better word, other than perhaps, servant?

I look at her and smile. My earthbound happiness. I look at them and I smile and I learn how to love a little more each day. There can be no doubt or confusion but the highway is brightly marked and I see tomorrow today.

The threads of humanity, linking and weaving us all together tightly.

Get on the bus and lets go. Universal plan for the universal man.

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